Lesson #2

References and Const


In this lesson I will cover the following topics:

  1. How to write and compile the basic "Hello, World" program in C++.

  2. Introduce the std namespace.

  3. Introduce references and reference function parameters.

  4. Explain the importance of references to constants.


"Hello, World!" in C++

To start things off, I will show you a program that prints "Hello, World!" on the terminal using C++. Although this program is simple, it is always a good idea, when working with a new language or environment, to write this simple program first. There is no sense trying to write anything more complicated until you can get something basic working.

Since C++ is a superset of C (approximately), the basic "Hello, World!" program in C will work. However, C++ comes with an entirely different library of I/O functions that you should get used to using. This library is called IOStreams. Here is the "Hello, World!" program in C++ using the IOStreams library:

#include <iostream>

int main( )
    std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

Let me point out a few things about this program.

  1. To declare the facilities in the IOStreams library you need to #include the header <iostream>. Notice that there is no .h at the end of that header's name. The C++ standard library is declared in header files that do not have any extension. Note, however, that is common for programmers to still use .h or .hpp extensions on the header files they create.

  2. Unlike in C, you do not need to declare main as taking a void parameter. The empty parentheses indicate that there are no parameters. C++ compilers will accept void in the parameter list, but it is not necessary and commonly left out. Technically, the empty parentheses in a C function declaration means "unspecified parameters," which is different from "no parameters." Since C++ does not allow you to declare a function with unspecified parameters, the empty parentheses can take on a more specific meaning in C++.

  3. The actual I/O operations are all done on the object named cout. The cout object represents the standard output device---the screen of your console. You can write characters to that device using the << operator. The characters get written one after another in a sequential stream, and the << operator inserts characters into that stream. For this reason it is often called an inserter.

  4. The endl at the end of the text being output is a manipulator. It is used to manipulate the state of the stream. In the case of endl, the output moves to the next line, and the output is pushed through to the console immediately (not buffered). The effect is similar to just printing a newline character '\n'. In fact, in a simple program like this one, there is no real advantage to using endl. However, it is probably good practice to get in the habit of using it when appropriate. The C++ standard library contains many other manipulators, as you will see. You can even write your own.

Now I want to say a few words about namespaces.

C++ is designed for very large programs. One of the problems very large programs have is coordinating names. In C, every function in a program must have a unique name. In a large program, there might be thousands of functions written by people who don't know each other (for example, in competing libraries). If any two of those functions have the same name, there are problems.

To avoid naming problems, C++ allows you to put functions, and anything else with a name, into a "namespace." Each namespace might contain hundreds of names, but since a single library supplier controls the entire name space associated with that library, that supplier can ensure that no two names in it conflict.

An application might use several namespaces. If two functions in different namespaces happen to have the same name, it is not an error because the functions can be distinguished by which namespace they are from. This is exactly the same reason why operating systems allow users to create folders. Two files with the same name can exist on the disk provided they are in different folders.

It happens that the entire standard C++ library is in a namespace called std. Thus, whenever I wish to use a name from the library, I must prefix that name with a suitable namespace qualifier. That's why I have std:: in front of cout in my sample program above. That tells the compiler (and the programmer) that I'm interested in the cout name in the std namespace.

It might seem like an annoyance to prefix names from the standard library with std::. At times, it is. However, for reasons that will become clear later, you don't need to use namespace qualifiers as much as you might think. If you find yourself accessing names in a particular namespace frequently you can include a using directive at the top of your source file. For example

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main( )
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
    return 0;

In this version I tell the compiler that it should treat all names in namespace std as if they had been declared in the global namespace. Such names can then be accessed without the std:: qualifier. Note that the using directive should come after the #include <iostream>. If you put it before the #include the compiler will not know about the name std when it sees the using directive, and it will produce an error message.

In some texts you might see the "Hello, World" program like this:

#include <iostream.h>

int main( )
    cout << "Hello, World!" << endl;
    return 0;

This version #includes <iostream.h> instead of <iostream> and does not bother with the namespace at all. This may work, particularly if you are using an old compiler. Namespaces were added to C++ as part of the 1998 standardization process. Ancient C++ compilers may not support them. To maintain compatibility with old programs, some C++ compilers often distinguish between headers like <iostream> and <iostream.h>. The header with the .h declares things in the global namespace as it was done in the days before namespaces. The header without the .h declares things in namespace std. In this tutorial, I will follow the official C++ standard and use namespace std as appropriate. You should do the same in your own programs unless you have some specific reason to do otherwise.

Compiling C++ programs

To compile the basic "Hello, World!" program, you must first put the program into a file. While C programs always end with a .c extension, the convention for C++ programs is less well-defined. Different systems tend to use different extensions, although the most common extensions are .cpp, .cc, .cxx, and .C (note the uppercase letter). The .cpp extension tends to be the dominant one, but you may see the others as well. Use your favorite text editor to create the file hello.cpp and type in the basic "Hello, World!" program I showed above.

To compile it on a Unix system using the GNU Compiler Collection do something like:

  $ g++ -o hello hello.cpp

The C++ compiler in the GNU Compiler Collection is called g++. The -o hello tells the compiler to put the executable output into the file named hello. After the compiler finishes do:

  $ ./hello

to run the program. It should print "Hello, World!" on the terminal. Congratulations, you have written a C++ program!


There are two C++ features that I want to introduce right away. We will use them quite a bit. The first feature is references.

A reference is just another name for something else. It is like an alias. Here is a simple example.

// The following function illustrates a simple way to use a reference.
void example( )
    int  number;        // Your typical integer.
    int &ref = number;  // This declares ref to be of type "reference to int"
                        //   and "binds" it to the variable number.

    number = 1;    // Puts 1 into number.
    ref    = 2;    // Puts 2 into number!

The expression ref = 2 puts 2 into the variable number because ref "refers" to number. The reference ref is like an alternate name for number. Anything that you do to ref, you are really doing to number. In my example above there is really only one variable: number. Conceptually, the reference is not an object of on its own. It is just a label for something that does exist.

When you declare a reference like I did above you must bind it to a real variable. You must tell the compiler to which variable the reference refers. It is an error to declare a reference and not attach it to a variable. Null references do not exist. Furthermore, once a reference is bound to something, it can never be changed to bind to anything else. Any attempt to modify the reference, or manipulate the reference in any way, will actually modify or manipulate the variable to which the reference binds. The reference is simply another name for the variable.

My example above is not very interesting. References are hardly ever used this way. In real life, references are mostly used as function parameters. Consider this example:

// This function has reference parameters. This is very common.
void swap( int &A, int &B )
    int temp = A;   // Save a copy of A aside for later.

    A = B;          // Put B into A.
    B = temp;       // Put the old A into B.

This function might be used like this:

int main( )
    int X, Y;

    // ... Put values into X and Y.

    swap( X, Y );
    return 0;

When swap is called, the reference parameters A and B are bound to the real variables X and Y. Inside the function, A refers to the caller's X and B refers to the caller's Y. The swap function exchanges the values stored in X and Y (via the references) as desired and then returns.

To understand the significance of this, look at this version of swap:

// This function takes integer parameters
void swap( int A, int B )
    // Same as before
    int temp = A;

    A = B;
    B = temp;

This does not work as expected. When the caller does swap(X, Y), the values of arguments X and Y are copied into the parameters A and B. The function exchanges the copies, but does absolutely nothing with the original variables. C++, like C, passes arguments to functions by value. This means the arguments are copied into the function parameters when the function is called.

However, reference parameters work differently. When a function with a reference parameter is called, the reference is bound to the argument and no copy of anything is made. Inside the function the reference refers back to the variable that was used by the caller. This facility is often called pass by reference. In some languages it is the only way parameters are passed.

You can get a similar effect in plain C using pointers like this:

// This function takes pointer parameters
void swap( int *A, int *B )
    // Same idea as before.
    int temp = *A;

    *A = *B;
    *B = temp;

In this example A, and B, are pointers to integers that exist elsewhere. Inside the function I have to use the indirection operator (the *) to get at the integers pointed at by those pointers. Notice that temp must still be an integer (not a pointer) since it has to hold a temporary integer value. I am not trying to swap pointers after all! If that does not make sense to you, reread the above paragraph and think about it awhile until it does. You can also read my Review Lesson #2 on C pointers.

With my pointer oriented swap function I have to call it like this:

int main( )
    int X, Y;

    // Put values into X and Y.

    swap( &X, &Y );
    return 0;

This works, but it is annoying to have to put those ampersands ("address of") in there. With references, the call is more natural. You will see later that reference parameters are very important in C++. There are certain areas where you must use them to get the effects you want.

It is also possible in C++ to return references from functions. This is handy at times too. We will talk more about how that works in a later lesson.


The second C++ feature I'd like to introduce now is C++'s handling of const, particularly how it interacts with references.

Both C and C++ allow you to declare constants by putting the word const in front of the declaration.

const int max = 100;

When you declare a constant you must initialize it. This is because you can't modify the value of a constant after you declare it so if you didn't initialize it there would be no way to give it a value.

  const int max;
  max = 100;      // Error. Can't modify a constant.

In many courses people speak of "variables." However, that word is imprecise. Not all so-called variables can vary. In my example above would you call max a constant variable? That really doesn't make any sense.

A more accurate term is "object." In my example above, max is a constant integer object. Using the word object may sound awkward and overly formal, but it really is better. In this course, I will use "object" from now on to talk about objects. I will drop the word variable (unless I really do mean to emphasize that something can vary). The important thing for you to remember is that objects are things that occupy memory and that can hold values. Every object in a C++ program has a type, and you have to specify that type when you create the object.

References are not objects, by the way, because they don't generally occupy any memory, and they don't have values the way a real object does. The object a reference refers to has a value, but the reference itself does not. This distinction between references and objects is subtle, but it is a distinction that will prove important in your later study.

Okay... declaring constant objects is neat, but the real beauty of const is as it applies to pointer and reference parameters. I'll leave pointers alone for the moment (but they are handled in an analogous manner) and just talk about references. Consider this example:

// This function annoys the user.
void silly( int &count )
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        std::cout << "I am silly!\n";

Suppose the main function looked like:

int main( )
    silly( 100 );
    return 0;

It seems like this would print the silly message 100 times. In fact, it produces a compile-time error. Why? The function silly takes its parameter by reference. The compiler assumes that the function might therefore want to modify the object referred to by that reference. Yet in my main function above, I am giving silly a literal number. That doesn't make sense. How could silly possibly modify the literal constant "100?" This issue doesn't come up when you pass parameters by value because in that case, the 100 is copied into the parameter. The function couldn't change the original 100 even if it wanted to.

It happens that silly does not really try to modify its parameter. It only reads the value of count. It never writes to it. I can express this fact by defining silly so that it takes a reference to a const. It looks like this:

// This function annoys the user.
void silly( const int &count )
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        std::cout << "I am silly!\n";

The only difference is in the const that appears in the parameter list. Read const int &count as "count is a reference to a constant int." This declaration tells the compiler that the function never writes to the object referred to by that reference. The compiler will enforce this; inside the function count is treated as a constant int. It also means that when you do silly(100) the compiler allows it, since it knows for sure that silly will not try to modify the 100.

This is all very fine, but you might wonder what happens when you try to give silly a "normal" (non-const) object like this:

int main( )
    int annoyance = 100;

    silly( annoyance );
    return 0;

Here annoyance is an ordinary integer object that could be modified. Yet when silly is called, it is not an error. Just because silly takes a reference to a constant does not mean it must be used only with constants. It just means that silly promises to not write to the object it is given. If the object is writable, that is fine. The function silly doesn't care.

In general if you write a function with a reference parameter and if that function does not modify the object referred to by that parameter, you should declare that parameter as a reference to a const. You will see many, many examples of this in the future. In a later lesson I will explain why it is essential that you follow this rule.

You might be wondering why we should bother with the reference at all. What's wrong with just passing the count parameter by value as you would no doubt do in C? In this case, there is nothing wrong with that approach. However, when a reference is bound to an object, that object is not copied. If you wanted to pass a large object to the function, something much larger than an integer, using a reference parameter avoids copying the object. In C, you would use pointers to get the same effect by declaring the function to take a pointer parameter and passing the address of the object. However, since references can be treated as aliases for the objects to which they refer, the C++ approach involves less confusing indirection syntax. As you will see later, there are other reasons why you should prefer reference parameters over function parameters in most cases. The simplified syntax is more than just convenient; it enables some of C++'s other enhanced features.


  1. C++ is approximately a super set of C, thus most C programs will compile without changes as C++ programs.

  2. The entire C++ standard library is in namespace std. When you include a standard library header without the .h extension, you need to qualify all library names with std::.

  3. A reference is an alias for something else. When you declare a stand-alone reference, you must bind it to an object. Reference parameters are bound to a function's arguments when that function is called.

  4. If a function takes a reference parameter and the function does not change that parameter, then the parameter should be declared as a reference to const. This allows the function to be used in situations where the compiler would otherwise prohibit it, making the function more general.

© Copyright 2023 by Peter Chapin.
Last Revised: July 18, 2023