Review Lesson #2



In this review lesson I will cover the following topics

  1. What a pointer is and how to create and use one.

  2. The relationship between pointers and arrays.

  3. Passing pointers to functions and returning them from functions.


What is a pointer?

Pointers are often considered to be one of the most confusing aspects of C. Although many languages have something like pointers, in C pointers have very few restrictions and can thus be used in complicated and obscure ways. Some languages, such as Java, consider pointers too error prone to use and don't support them at all (directly).

Every variable you create in your program is stored in the machine's memory at a specific spot. Every spot in memory has a unique address and thus every variable you create has a unique address. These addresses are just numbers. Often they have the same size and range as the type integer. However, the exact format of an address is often different from one machine to another. You should not assume that addresses are just like integers. In general they are not.

A pointer is a variable that contains the address of something else. You can use a pointer to get at the variable it points at "indirectly". Although the machine regards all addresses the same way, the C language distinguishes between pointers that point at different types of variables. For example, C treats a pointer to an integer differently than a pointer to a character.

To declare a pointer you need to specify not only the name, but also the type of variable it will point at. Here are a couple of examples

int main( void )
    int *p1;
      /* p1 is a pointer to an integer. The asterisk is necessary to tell
         the compiler that p1 is a pointer. Without it, p1 would look like
         an integer. */

    char *p2;
      /* p2 is a pointer to a character. Although both p1 and p2 hold
         addresses, they are intended to hold addresses of different types
         types of variables. C thus regards them as different types of
         pointers. */

    int *p3, p4;
      /* Be careful about this situation. Here p3 is being declared as a
         pointer to an integer, but p4 is still just an integer. If you
         wanted p4 to be a pointer also you have to say "int *p3, *p4" */

    p1 = p2;
      /* Here I'm trying to assign one pointer to another, but this is
         an error because p1 and p2 have different pointer types. */

    return 0;

The pointers I declared above are all uninitialized. After they are declared they would contain indeterminate addresses that should not be used. Before you can use a pointer, you need to be sure it contains the address of a real variable. You can find the address of a variable using the "address-of" operator. It looks like this:

int main( void )
    int  x;        // This is a real integer variable.
    int *p;        // This is a pointer to an integer.

    p = &x;
      // Give p the address of x. We now say that p "points at" x.

    return 0;

A statement such as p = x is an error and does not make sense. You can't put an integer into a variable that holds addresses (even if addresses are just like integers in reality). But the expression &x represents the "address of x" and such an expression can be stored into a variable of type "pointer to integer" (since x is an integer its address would be a pointer to integer).

Now, to access the variable pointed at by a pointer, you have to use the "indirection operator." It looks like this

int main( void )
    int  x;
    int *p;

    p = &x;
      // Make p point at x like before.

   *p = 10;
      // Store a 10 into the variable pointed at by p.

    return 0;

The expression *p represents the thing that p is pointing at. It does not represent the pointer itself! When you want to talk about the address stored in the pointer variable itself, you just use the name of the variable (as was done in p = &x). When you want to talk about the thing the pointer is pointing at, you have to use the indirection operator with the pointer.

When you work with pointers, there are really two entities you have to think about: the pointer itself and the thing it points at. These two entities are quite different. They even have different types. People often get confused about when to use the address-of operator or the indirection operator. Yet there is no confusion if you keep track of what you are trying to do. There is no once-and-for-all rule to follow. The correct syntax depends on the situation.

Using the declarations above check out the following statements.

 p = &x;
*p = &x;
 p = 10;
*p = 10;

Two of these statements don't make any sense and two do. Can you tell the difference? Let me go through them.

 p = &x;

This makes perfectly good sense. The address of x (an integer) is being stored into a variable of type "pointer to integer." That is completely appropriate.

*p = &x;

This does not make sense. The expression *p represents the integer pointed at by p. I can't store the address of x into an integer.

 p = 10;

This also does not make sense. Here I'm storing the integer 10 into a pointer, but I can't store integers into pointers.

*p = 10;

This is fine. The expression *p represents the integer pointed at by p and I'm putting the integer 10 into that variable. That is completely appropriate.

Pointers and arrays.

Pointers come into their own in C when you start using arrays. This is because the compiler always treats the name of an array without an index as a pointer to the first element in the array. This conversion is often used with arrays of characters. Because C uses arrays of characters to hold strings such arrays are commonly manipulated.

int main( void )
    char buffer[128];
      // An array of characters that will hold an null terminated string.

    char *p;
      // This pointer will be used to "point into" the array.

    strcpy( buffer, "Hello, World!" );
      /* Put a null terminated string into buffer. The 'H' goes into
         buffer[0], the 'e' goes into buffer[1], and so forth. Just
         past the final '!' a null byte (ASCII code of zero) will be
         placed into the buffer. */

    for( p = buffer; *p; p++ ) {
        *p = toupper( *p );
    return 0;

The juicy part of the program above is the for loop. It starts by giving p the address of the first element in the array. This happens because of the way C treats the name of an array without an index. Notice that I did not write *p = buffer. That would not have made sense. The expression *p represents a single character and I can't put an address into a character.

The loop condition is just *p. That evaluates to the character pointed at by p. Here I'm using the fact that any non-zero value is taken in C to mean "true". Thus the for loop executes as long as p points at something other than the null character. This way of writing the loop condition might seem overly clever, but it is a very, very common way to do things in C programs.

The final loop expression advances the pointer so that it will contain the address of the next array element. Again, I don't want to do (*p)++ since I'm not trying to increment a character. Just because p is a pointer doesn't mean you have to put the indirection operator on it all the time! I often see students making this error. Use the indirection operator only when you want to refer to the variable the pointer is pointing at.

Inside the loop I use the function toupper to convert the character pointed at by p into uppercase and then store that result back into the character pointed at by p. Again, a statement like p = toupper(p) would be incorrect because I'm not trying to uppercase the address (that doesn't even make sense to talk about).

This loop steps down the array, converting the characters in it to uppercase as it goes. It stops as soon as p points at the null character. By convention, that means there are no more characters of interest in the array (the array may contain more elements, but when working with strings in C we normally ignore anything past the null character).

Since the compiler knows how much memory each variable requires, it can be a bit clever about how it increments pointers. In general, when you increment a pointer, the address stored in that pointer is advanced by whatever amount is necessary to make it point at the next variable in memory. For example, suppose integers are four bytes in size (32 bits). Then take a look at this example:

int main( void )
    int  array[128];
    int *p;

    for( p = array; p != array + 128; p++ ) {
        *p = 0;
    return 0;

When the pointer to integer, p, is incremented at the end of each loop pass, the address stored in it will actually be advanced by four. This will cause it to point at the next integer in memory. If the address had only be advanced by one the pointer would have been left pointing at the second byte of the same integer it was pointing at originally. That would not have been very useful.

This program also demonstrates another important characteristic of pointers: you can add an integer to them. For example, if p points at the first element of an array of integers, p + 1 would be the address of the next element. Unlike p++, an expression like p + 1 does not modify p. Also, you can use addition to "jump" a pointer forward as far as you like. In the loop above, I talk about the address "array + 128". Since array is 128 integers long, array + 128 is the address just off the end of the array (array + 127 would be the address of the last (127th) element in the array).

The loop above initializes p to point at the start of the array and then steps it down until it points just off the end of the array. Inside the loop it assigns the integer 0 to each array element. The fact that p steps off the end of the array does not cause a problem in this case because the loop ends before that "one too far" array element is actually accessed. This is a very common idiom for stepping down an array and it plays a very important role in C++ programming where, as you will see later, pointers get replaced by more generalized "iterators."

Pointers and functions.

Pointers are often used with functions. One reason for this is because pointers give you way to get around some of the restrictions ordinarily imposed on C functions. Consider this classic example:

void swap( int A, int B )
    int temp = A;
    A = B;
    B = temp;

This function wants to exchange the two integers it is given. It does that, but it isn't very useful. In C, functions always get copies of their arguments. While the function above swaps the copies it gets, it does nothing to the original variables.

int main( void )
    int X, Y;

    // ...

    swap( X, Y );
      // X is copied to A, Y is copied to B. Swap exchanges A and B but
      // does not modify X or Y at all.

    return 0;

In C you can get around this by passing pointers to the function.

void swap( int *A, int *B )
    int temp = *A;
    *A = *B;
    *B = temp;

Notice how I have to now use the indirection operator on A and B inside the function. This is because I'm not trying to swap the pointers. I want to swap the things they point at. Also I created an ordinary integer local variable inside swap. I did not declare temp to be a pointer to an integer because it needs to temporarily hold one of the integers I'm swapping -- not one of the pointers.

Now, to use this new version of swap, I have to give it the addresses of the two variables I want it to operate on.

int main( void )
    int X, Y;

    // ...

    swap( &X, &Y );
      // Swap gets the address of X and Y and uses those addresses to
      // modify X and Y as desired.

    return 0;

The scanf function in the standard library needs a pointer for each variable it is going to modify for exactly the same reason.

int number;

scanf( "%d", &number );
  // Give scanf the address of number so that it can modify my
  // variable.

It is very common for functions in C to take a pointer to a character as a parameter expecting that pointer to really point at the start of a null terminated string. Misunderstanding this causes many errors. Consider the library function gets. It reads a line of text from the standard input device and places that text into the array pointed at by its parameter. The declaration of gets looks like:

char *gets( char * );
  /* Function gets takes a pointer to a buffer where it will store
     what it reads. It returns the same address it was given or the
     NULL pointer if it encounters an error or an EOF without read-
     ing anything. */

The proper way to use gets (without error handling) is like this:

int main( void )
    char buffer[128];

    printf( "What is your name? " );
    gets( buffer );
      // Read a line of text from the user and put it into buffer. Pray
      // that the user does not enter in more than 127 characters.

    return 0;

Since the name, buffer, is the name of an array without an index, the C compiler regards it as a pointer to the first element in the array. This happens to be just what gets is expecting. If the user enters in more than 127 characters, gets will end up overflowing the array (it needs one byte for the null character) and that is bad. For this reason gets is not a good function to use in a serious program.

Sometimes students do this:

int main( void )
    char *buffer;

    printf( "What is your name? " );
    gets( buffer );
      // Read a line from the user.

    return 0;

But this version has a serious problem. The pointer buffer is not initialized. It points into space. When gets uses that pointer to locate the buffer it is expecting to fill, it will end up writing characters into random memory locations. Yet this version of the program does compile because technically gets is getting an argument of the right type. Depending on what value happens to be in buffer when the program runs, the program might even appear to work—sometimes.

Students occasionally try to correct this situation by doing:

int main( void )
    char buffer;

    printf( "What is your name? " );
    gets( &buffer );
      // Read the result from the user.

    return 0;

Again, this compiles because &buffer is, in this case, a pointer to a character. However, that pointer is only pointing at a single character. If the user enters any text at all (remember gets needs one byte to hold the null character), gets will again write in random memory locations.

Make sure you understand these two erroneous examples. They are fairly common. I have even seen them in books that teach C programming!


  1. A pointer is a variable that holds the address of something else. You declare a pointer using the asterisk like this:

    char *p;  // p is a pointer to a character.

    When you want to give a pointer a value, you can use the address-of operator (&) to take the address of some other variable. When you want to access the variable the pointer is pointing at, you use the indirection operator (*) on the pointer.

  2. The name of an array without an index is a pointer to the first element in the array. You can increment (and decrement) pointers and add integers to pointers as a way of computing the address of other array elements.

  3. Functions can not normally modify their original arguments. They can only modify the copies they have been given. Yet by passing a function a pointer, it can use that pointer to access the original variable. This technique is often used. In C many functions that are intended to operate on arrays are written to take a pointer. Such functions can then be called using just the array's name as the argument. C coverts that name into a pointer to the first element just as the function is expecting.

© Copyright 2023 by Peter Chapin.
Last Revised: August 4, 2023