Lesson #4

The "Hello, World" Program


In this lesson I will cover the following topics

  1. How to compile the "Hello, World" program.

  2. An introduction to style issues and the VTC style guide.

  3. Commenting.



Programs are nothing more than a sequence of instructions that tell the machine what to do. Computers are very stupid and only do exactly what they are told. The challenge of programming is to come up with the right instructions to get the effect you want and to make it easy to modify those instructions later to fix errors or get different effects.

Programmers specify the instructions they want the computer to follow using a programming language. Computers really only understand one language: machine language. Programs written in machine language are just a bunch of numbers. Each number corresponds to one simple instruction. Modern computers can execute billions of these instructions every second. Thus even though each instruction is very simple, computers can do complicated work quickly.

Humans don't like machine language. It is very difficult to write and to understand. To prevent us from having to program a computer directly in machine language, many other languages have been devised. However, since the machine only understands its machine language, some way is necessary to convert a program from a language humans can deal with to machine language. The program that does this conversion is called a "compiler". To write C programs you need a C compiler.

"Hello, World!"

In Kernighan and Ritchie's famous book about C the first program they show just prints "Hello, World" on the terminal. Despite the simplicity of such a program it is critically important that you start by getting the "Hello, World" program to work. Doing so requires that you edit files, run the compiler, and execute the result. These are all important activities that you will do often in the future. Whenever you learn a new language or start using a new system, the first program you should write should be "Hello, World".

Here is the "Hello, World" program in C:

  #include <stdio.h>

  int main( void )
      printf( "Hello, World!\n" );
      return 0;

Before I explain what is going on in this program, let me describe how to compile it on the Unix host.

  1. Connect to the Unix system and use pico to edit the file "hello.c". All C programs must be in files with names that end with the .c extension. This convention is followed on all systems that support C.

  2. Type the program above into pico. You could copy the program out of this message and paste it into your terminal window. However, I recommend that you type it out. That will start teaching your fingers what it feels like to type C. Maybe that sounds silly, but believe me when I say it makes a difference.

  3. Exit pico and save the file (use ^X). Then at the prompt run the C compiler like this

      $ cc -o hello hello.c

    This command tells the compiler to process the file hello.c and to put the resulting output (-o) into the file named hello. If you didn't make any typos you should get another prompt. The C compiler prints no messages if it compiles the file successfully. If you do get error messages, you must have typed something wrong. Load hello.c back into pico and check it over.

  4. Once you get the program compiled without errors, run it by just typing

      $ hello

    You should see the text "Hello, World!" appear on the terminal. You have just created your first C program!

"Hello, World" examined

Let's take a closer look at the "Hello, World" program. I repeat the program below with line numbers. The line numbers are not part of the program; I include them only to make talking about it easier. Sometimes, especially at first, when I show programs in these lessons I will include line numbers.

  2: #include <stdio.h>
  4: int main( void )
  5: {
  6:     printf( "Hello, World!\n" );
  7:     return 0;
  8: }

Here are some points.

C is case sensitive. The C language, like Unix, treats upper and lower case letters as distinct. The words main, Main, and MAIN, are all different. Most things in C are all lowercase. Be sure you type them correctly.

C is free formatted. Spaces and line breaks can occur anywhere provided the compiler can recognize the individual "words" (technically they are called "tokens") of the program. This version of "Hello, World" would also work:

  int main( void ) { printf( "Hello, World!\n" ); return 0; }

So would this one:

  "Hello, World!\n"

The compiler is not interested in the spacing you use in your program. It is only interested in the sequence of tokens that you write.

The #include statement (line 2) is special. Lines that start with a '#' are treated differently than the rest of the program. They are called "preprocessing directives" and they are handled by the compiler just before the program is actually compiled.

The inclusion of stdio.h directs the compiler to locate and read over the standard header file, stdio.h. It is in a system directory, but you don't need to worry about its precise location. The file stdio.h contains information about the standard library input-output (I/O) functions. The compiler needs to read this information before it will understand the use of printf in line 6.

The program starts with function main (line 4). Every C program that you write must contain a function named main. Line 4 is a declaration for that function. The function itself is between the curly braces on lines 5 and 8. When the program starts, it begins executing the instructions in main. Line 4 says that main takes no parameters (void) and returns an integer. We will discuss functions in detail later. As you will see at that time it is possible to build a program that uses many functions. For now, don't worry about the details of main. Just know that you need to have a main defined as I've done it here.

The printf statement on line 6 causes the output. The C language does not have I/O built into it. Instead you have to use other functions to do I/O. Thankfully Standard C compilers come with a library of useful functions that are defined as part of the standard. The printf function is one of them. It takes its "argument" (the stuff inside the parentheses) and prints it onto the terminal.

The sequence '\n' is special. It represents the "new line" character. Printing a '\n' causes the output to go to the next line. If you didn't do this, the system would print its next prompt on the same line as the "Hello, World!" (Try it!). There are several other backslash "escape sequences" defined. Some of them are quite useful.

The return statement on line 7 ends the program. In general, whenever main returns, the program ends. The zero is the integer value main is returning. (Remember that main is defined to return an integer). Traditionally a return of zero from main means that the program worked properly. A non-zero return traditionally means that the program encountered an error. Where is this value being returned to? It is going back to the environment where the program was started. You can view the returned value like this:

  $ hello
  Hello, World!
  $ echo $?

We don't really care about this returned value very much. However, you should return a zero from main whenever your program completes normally. Tradition is important.

Programming style

The compiler doesn't care about the spacing you use in your program as long as it can tell the individual tokens apart. However, I do care about the spacing you use in your programs! Inappropriately formatted programs are very difficult to read and understand. Writing a program is a social act. Most programs are read and modified by many people throughout their lifetime. It is very important to write programs that are easy to understand. Thus proper formatting is a must.

Everyone tends to develop his/her own style when it comes to formatting programs. Everyone tends to believe his/her style is the best. In fact there are many reasonable ways to format your programs. When you are programming for a group or as part of a larger organization, consistency is often more important than any particular detail of style. Consequently many organizations have created a "style guide" that dictate how their programmers should format their programs. That way all programs created by an organization will have a similar look and everyone who works with those programs will have an easier time understanding them.

At VTC we have followed this trend and have created a style guide that you must follow when writing programs for our classes. Just as with any organization, a consistent style makes it easier for us to talk about each other's work. Also we at VTC want to expose you to the reality of style guides so that when/if you encounter one later you will not be surprised.

You might want to bookmark the current style guide for future reference. Some of the things in that guide might not make sense to you right now. I will point out the details you need to know as we go along.

The "Hello, World" program demonstrates several aspects of VTC's required style. Let me point them out now.

  #include <stdio.h>

  int main( void )
  ^ The brace opening a function is the first character on a line by itself.
      printf( "Hello, World!\n" );
      ^ Material inside curly braces is indented.
      return 0;
      ^ Material inside curly braces is indented *consistently*
  ^ The brace closing a function is lined up with the opening brace.

Consistent indentation is of paramount importance.

During this course I will provide you with occasional example programs to illustrate various things. All of the example programs I will send will conform to the VTC style guide. If you submit a program that contains violations of the style guide, I will take off points!


Real programs are long and complicated. To make a program more understandable you can insert comments into it that the compiler ignores. In your comments you can explain the bits and pieces of your program to the next person who has to read it. Often that "next person" is yourself several weeks, months, or even years later. ("Now... why did I do that?") In C comments are any text that appears between /* and */ sequences.

  /* This is a comment. */

In addition, if you are using a newer C compiler, you can also start a comment with a // sequence. Such comments end at the end of the line. You do not have to explicitly mark the end of them. For example:

  // Output a greeting.
  printf( "Hello, World!\n" );

Many people find these "slash-slash" style comments to be easier to type. However, they won't work with older compilers. If you want your program to work on as wide a variety of compilers as possible, you should stick with the older style comments. I tend to use slash-slash comments to document a single line of code or a group of closely related lines. I use the "slash-star" comments to create large comment blocks.

Making good comments is an art. You want the comments to elaborate on the program, not just repeat what it says. Compare:

  // Print "Hello, World"
  printf( "Hello, World!\n" );

  // Let the user know we are alive.
  printf( "Hello, World!\n" );

The first comment is a waste. It just says the same thing the C says. The second comment adds information. It explains not what the line below it does, but why we want it done.

I have found that students typically do not write very good comments at first. Many students seem to feel that since the comments are ignored by the compiler they aren't really part of the program. That is wrong. The comments are an essential part of the program. A program without them is incomplete.

When you write a program your audience is not really the compiler. The real audience of your work is all the other programmers who will one day examine it. You write your comments to them. As I said, programming is a social act. You must comment your programs before I will consider them finished.

Some students understand that commenting is important. However, they then make the mistake of commenting everything. That is also wrong. You can "over-comment." The result is just as difficult to understand as an uncommented program. Make your comments useful and meaning, but don't overdo them.

The VTC style guide doesn't have too much to say about comments. However, it does require that every program have a comment block at the top. That comment block must contain at least the following things: your name with contact information, the name of the file, an appropriate date, and a brief description of what the program does. You can also include a longer description of the program if appropriate. To adhere to the VTC style guide, my "Hello, World" program should really look like this:

  /*! \file   hello.c
   *  \brief  Program that demonstrates printf's abilities.
   *  \date   January 2016
   *  \author Peter C. Chapin <PChapin@vtc.vsc.edu>
   * This program just displays "Hello, World!" on the terminal. It is used
   * to exercise the compiler and to make sure that I can actually get a C
   * program to work!

  #include <stdio.h>

  int main( void )
      printf( "Hello, World!\n" );
      return 0;

The backslash prefixed keywords above (such as \file) are not strictly necessary but they are used by a third party tool (Doxygen) that extracts comments into nicely formatted HTML documentation. You may want to use that tool at some point so it would be helpful to follow its conventions now.

It may seem rather excessive to require such an extensive comment at the top of such a small program. In fact, it is. However, the "Hello, World" program is unusually small. Most programs are much larger and more complicated. In that case a summarizing comment block at the top is a must.

One final note about comments: Please try to make them spelled correctly and grammatically correct. Good writing is a must and comments are no exception. Sometimes students interested in technical subjects believe that they don't need to worry about writing. That is false. Comments in programs are difficult to understand if they are ungrammatical. I won't nit-pick about the writing in your comments. However, I may take off points if I see flagrant violations of the standard rules of grammar.


  1. The C compiler on the Unix host is named "cc". To compile a program in the file hello.c, use a command such as

      $ cc -o hello hello.c

    This command puts the executable result into the file "hello".

  2. Although C is a free formatted language, you should try to adopt a style that makes your programs easy to read and understand. The compiler will not be confused by an ugly program but humans, including yourself, will be. Be sure to indent lines appropriately so that their relationship to each other is clear at a glance. This issue is very important to me and I will look for it when I grade your programs.

  3. The compiler ignores your comments, yet they are still an essential part of your program. Be sure to include a comment block at the top of each program that specifies the name of the file, your name, a date, and a brief description of the program. Use comments in the body of your program to describe why you are doing things (and not just what you are doing).

© Copyright 2016 by Peter C. Chapin.
Last Revised: January 11, 2016