CIS-3030 Homework #4: Haskell Data Types

Due: Friday, November 22, 2013

Read the first part of Chapter 8 of the text through the section on recursive data structures.

  1. Create a Haskell module that defines and exports a data type Expression with value constructors Add, Subtract, Multiply, and Divide. These value constructors should be parameterized to take two Expressions. You should also define a value constructor that wraps a simple integer (call it Constant). For example:

            Add Expression Expression | Constant Int
  2. Your module should export a function evaluate of type Expression -> Int that takes an expression and returns the integer result of evaluating it. For example:

            evaluate (Divide (Add (Constant 1) (Constant 2)) (Subtract (Constant 3) (Constant 4)))

    should return -3 since (1 + 2)/(3 - 4) = -3. HINT: Use pattern matching to consider each of the possible value constructors. Your function will have to be recursive to evaluate nested structures. Your function should be able to easily handle expressions of arbitrary complexity made up of nested applications of the value constructors.

  3. Create a Haskell module that defines and exports a data type Distance with parameterless value constructors Feet, Meters, and Furlongs. Your module should also export the data type

            data Dimensioned = Dimensioned (Double, Distance) deriving(Show)
  4. Your module should export three functions toFeet, toMeters, and toFurlongs that take a Dimensioned value and return the appropriately converted result. For example:

            toFeet (Dimensioned (10.0, Meters))

    Should evaluate to Dimensioned (32.8, Feet)

  5. Define a type constructor Box that holds a single item of type a. Write a function boxmap of type (a -> b) -> Box a -> Box b. The function should apply the given function to the item in the box and return a new box containing the transformed result. For example:

            boxmap length (Box "Hello")

    Should evaluate to Box 5

Last Revised: 2013-11-11
© Copyright 2013 by Peter C. Chapin <>