CIS-2271 (Java Programming) Home Page

This is the home page for Peter Chapin's CIS-2271 course notes for the Fall 2014 semester. Here you will find slides, homework assignments, program samples, and links to other references of interest.

Adobe Connect

You can view a (24 minute)introduction to the class that shows how it will look over over Adobe Connect (slides). All live lectures will be accessed from the same URL.


  1. Homework #01. Due: Tuesday, 2014-09-02.
  2. Homework #02. Due: Thursday, 2014-09-11.
  3. Homework #03. Due: Thursday, 2014-09-18.
  4. Homework #04. Due: Thursday, 2014-09-25.
  5. Homeworks below are subject to change
  6. Homework #05.
  7. Homework #06.
  8. Homework #07.
  9. Homework #08.
  10. Homework #09.
  11. Homework #10.
  12. Homework #11.
  13. Homework #12.


Many of the labs in this course pertain to an extended semester-long project. This year we will be building a simple calculator program called Clacky.

  1. Lab #01: Eclipse. In this lab you will learn the basics of the Eclipse development environment.
  2. Lab #02: Types and Expressions. In this lab you will get some experience using Java types and expressions and an introduction to the if statement.
  3. Lab #03: Input Validation. In this lab you will practice writing if statements by extending Lab #2 to more carefully validating the inputs.
  4. Lab #04: Loops. In this lab you will use a loop to process a line of text containing multiple words.
  5. Lab #05: Clacky version 0.1. In this lab you will write a simple four function calculator.
  6. Lab #06: Methods. In this lab you will write several short methods and get more practice with loops and arrays.
  7. Lab #07: Clacky version 1.0. In this lab you will combine and extend your work from Labs #5 and #6 to create a fully operation four function calculator that can compute on integers of any size.
  8. Lab #08: Clacky version 1.1. In this lab you will create a class that provides a register storage area for clacky. You will extend clacky to allow users to compute with rational numbers and to store temporary results into registers.
  9. Lab #09: File I/O. In this lab you will continue extending Clacky so that it can save registers to files.
  10. Lab #10: Collections. In this lab you will add support in Clacky for reading and using a configuration file of name/value pairs. This lab gives you practice using the Map collection and more practice with file I/O.
  11. Lab #11: GUI Programming. In this lab you will wrap up the Clacky program by creating a simple graphic interface for it.
  12. Labs below are subject to change

Last year's lab project was a datebook management program called Figs. The lab set for that project is available for historical purposes.


The various links of interest.

Last Revised: 2014-12-19
© Copyright 2014 by Peter C. Chapin <>