Lemuria Configuration

This page describes the network configuration for Lemuria. Twilight is configured in a similar way except that the addresses are slightly different.


Lemuria is running Ubuntu 22.04 and uses Netplan for network configuration. Here is the configuration file in /etc/netplan:

      addresses: [, "FD25:F376:7B60:1::1/64"]
        addresses: [,]
        search: [cis.vermontstate.edu]
      - to: default
      addresses: [, "FD25:F376:7B60:10::1/64"]
  version: 2

This is put into effect with a command such as netplan apply (run as root).

Router Daemon

The IPv6 router advertisement daemon is configured (in /etc/radvd.conf as follows:

interface em1
        AdvSendAdvert on;
        prefix FD25:F376:7B60:1::/64
                AdvOnLink on;
                AdvAutonomous on;

interface em2
        AdvSendAdvert on;
        prefix FD25:F376:7B60:10::/64
                AdvOnLink on;
                AdvAutonomous on;

interface wormhole
        AdvSendAdvert on;
        prefix FD25:F376:7B60:FFFF::/64
                AdvOnLink on;
                AdvAutonomous on;

It is unclear to me if it is necessary (or even desirable) to send router advertisements down the tunnel. I feel like that shouldn't be necessary since no end systems will ever be connected to that link and the routers on either end have static routes to each other. However, it was done to see if it fixed an issue I'm having with getting Lemuria to forward TCP from Twilight to a BLP-210 lab machine (it *does* forward ICMPv6, however). The router advertisements did *not* fix the issue and the problem remains open.

Last Revised: 2023-09-11
© Copyright 2023 by Peter Chapin <peter.chapin@vermontstate.edu>