Lesson #14

Functions: Terminology and basic structure.


In this lesson I will cover the following topics

  1. What is a function and why would you use one?

  2. The difference between a function definition and a function declaration.

  3. The meaning of "pass by value".


What is a function?

I could give you a mathematical definition of a function using words like "domain" and "range" and "mapping". However, I'll skip that and jump right to a more practical way of looking at functions—at least from a programming point of view.

Functions are like black boxes. They take inputs, do something, and then spit out results. Here is a picture.

             x   ----->     |          |
                            |          |
             y   ----->     |  func()  |     -----> result
                            |          |
             z   ----->     |          |

I show a function named func that takes three inputs named x, y, and z and returns a result named result. Technically functions only return one result but there are tricks you can use to, in effect, get them to return several results.

The function performs some operation using the input values. Exactly how it does what it does is of no concern to the user of the function. In that respect it is like a black box. When you use a function you are only concerned about providing it with appropriate inputs, understanding what operation it performs, and knowing the meaning of its result. What goes on inside the box is not important.

When you write a function you also need to understand the meaning of the inputs, what operation is to be performed, and the meaning of the result. However, you don't need to worry about where the inputs are coming from and where the result is going. You only need to worry about making the function do what it is supposed to do. In this way, functions break up the work of creating a program. Like so

Function User Function Creator
Does not worry about how it works. Does not worry about how it will be used.
Only thinks about how to make use of the function. Only thinks about how to make the function work.

The "interface" to the function is an agreement between the user and the creator. The interface consists of

  1. A description of the function's inputs and their meaning.
  2. A description of what the function is supposed to do.
  3. A description of the function's results and their meaning.

After reading and understanding the interface, the user of a function knows everything he/she needs to know about how to use the function effectively. After reading and understanding the interface, the creator of a function knows exactly what he/she must make the function do. The interface is like a contract between the user and the creator (the creator is also called the "implementer" in some circles).

Why functions?

Functions are very important. So far your programs have consisted of a single function named main. However, larger programs are always composed of many functions. Sometimes there are literally thousands of functions in a program! The act of programming is, to a large extent, the act of writing various functions.

Each function by itself is small and simple. This makes it a lot easier to write an individual function correctly. The functions use each other, however, so the final program is still large and complex. Yet when you work with the program you don't have to worry about 99.99% of it at any one time. Most of the time, you only need to worry about one, small function. Without a facility like this, it would be nearly impossible to write a large program. All programming languages have this feature.

Actually, even the programs you have written so far have made use of functions. In particular, you have used printf and scanf from the C standard library. These functions were written by someone else (most likely in C), but you are able to use them without knowing anything about how they work internally. This is another positive aspect of functions: you can share them. All C compilers come with a "standard" library of functions. However, you can buy (or download) additional libraries to suit your needs. If you can't find a suitable library, you can always write your own. C has very little built into it. The language depends on libraries of functions to get things done.

Occasionally students ask me if C is good for graphical programming. The language itself has no facilities for graphical programming at all. Yet with a good library of graphical functions, it is easy to write graphical programs. Ironically the fact that the language has very little built into it is an advantage. It allows libraries the room to try various improvements. There is no one way to do graphical programming in C. How it works, what you can do, and how easily, all depend on the library you are using. Different libraries can cater to different needs.

So why use functions? Here are the reasons.

  1. Functions allow you to break a large program into smaller parts that can be more easily understood. Without this ability it would be impossible to create a large program.

  2. Functions allow you to share and reuse code. You can build on the work and expertise of others by using functions they wrote that you might not have been able to create on your own.

  3. Functions allow you to extend the language. By creating libraries for specific purposes you can, in effect, add more features to C and make the language suitable for new types of applications.

Those are three very strong reasons for using functions! From now on you will use functions a lot.

Okay, time for an example

Let's take an example from one of the earlier sample programs. I've played around with a few programs that test numbers to see if they are prime. The ability to check a number for primehood might be useful in other programs. Perhaps we should write a function to do that. Here is one way it might look.

int is_prime(int number)
  int i;

  // Very small numbers are errors. Errors are not prime.
  if (number < 2) return 0;

  // Otherwise, just check all numbers less than number for divisability.
  for (i = 2; i < number; i++) {
    if (number % i == 0) {
      return 0;

  // If I got here the number must be prime.
  return 1;

This is called a "function definition". It consists of a "function header" followed by a "function body". The body is the part inside the curly braces. The body defines exactly what the function does. The header is the part that looks like

int is_prime(int number)

It is the part of the interface that the compiler cares about. The first thing on the line (int) is the type of the function's result. This function returns an integer. The second thing (is_prime) is the function's name. The third thing (int number) is a declaration of the function's "parameters". The parameters are the function's inputs. In this case the function takes only one parameter, which I am calling number and it is of type integer.

There is another part to the function's interface that does not show up here. Namely: a description of the meaning of the parameter, what the function does, and the meaning of the result. This information is not part of the header, because the compiler isn't concerned about it. However, the user of the function is very concerned about it! Here is that part:

This function checks to see if its parameter is a prime number or not. It returns zero (false) if the parameter is not prime and non-zero (true) if it is. Numbers less than 2 are not considered prime.

Without this information it would be impossible for the user to understand how to use the function. Notice that the description above does not say a word about how the function does what it does. The user is not interested in "how". The user is only interested in "what".

For example, you can tell by looking at the function that it returns 1 if it is given a prime number. Yet the description above merely says "non-zero". This means that a future version of this function might, perhaps, return something different. The implementor is reserving the right to upgrade and change the way the function works. As long as the user depends on the more vauge "non-zero" description, the user's program will continue to work even after the function has been upgraded. This is very important: you don't want to depend on the undocumented behavior of a function. That behavior is likely to change with the next release.

When you write your own functions, you must provide the description as a comment in your program. Without proper documentation, a function is useless. The description is not required by the compiler, but it is required by me.

How would is_prime be used? Here's an example:

int main(void)
  int my_number;

  // Get a value from the user.
  printf("Enter a number: ");
  scanf("%d", &my_number);

  // Print out an appropriate message.
  if (is_prime(my_number)) {
    printf("The number, %d, is prime!\n", my_number);
  else {
    printf("The number, %d, is not prime!\n", my_number);

  return 0;

Notice how simple this program looks? It asks for a number, uses is_prime to check it, and prints out a message telling the user what happened. What could be more straightforward? All the hard work has been pushed into the function. When you write the main program, you don't need to worry about how is_prime works. You only need to know that it does work---and how to use it. Similarly when you write is_prime, you don't need to worry about how it will be used. You can focus your mind exclusively on making it work properly and honoring its interface. This is the separation of concerns I was talking about before. It is extremely important!

What's more, you now have a function you can use to test a number for primehood. Maybe you'll write another program later where you will want to do that. If so, you don't need to think at all about how to make that test. Just include the is_prime function and use it. Furthermore if someone else you know needs to test numbers for primehood you could just give them is_prime (or sell it to them) and they could use it as well. Cool, huh?

Of course, the is_prime I show above is pretty simple minded. Who would want it? Maybe nobody would want that version. But that might not always be true. You could enhance is_prime using some of the techniques I talked about in my earlier example. Or... you could use even more sophisticated techniques. With a little study it would be possible to build a version of is_prime that was exceedingly fast without changing its interface at all. Thus any program that uses is_prime could be upgraded to the very fast version without otherwise being modified. The ability to replace a function with a new and improved version is also a big advantage to using functions.

But wait! How does the main program know about is_prime?

Let me now show you the complete example

#include <stdio.h>

 * int is_prime(int)
 * This function tests its parameter to see if it is prime. It returns
 * "false" if it is not and "true" if it is. This function treats any
 * number less than 2 as not prime.
int is_prime(int number)
  int i;

  // Very small numbers are errors. Errors are not prime.
  if (number < 2) return 0;

  // Otherwise, just check all numbers less than number for divisability.
  for (i = 2; i < number; i++) {
    if (number % i == 0) {
      return 0;

  // If we got here the number must be prime.
  return 1;

/*           Main Program           */

int main(void)
  int my_number;

  // Get a value from the user.
  printf("Enter a number: ");
  scanf("%d", &my_number);

  // Print out an appropriate message.
  if (is_prime(my_number)) {
    printf("The number, %d, is prime!\n", my_number);
  else {
    printf("The number, %d, is not prime!\n", my_number);

  return 0;

In this example, I have put the function definition above main. This is often a good place for it. The compiler will want to see is_prime before you try to use it in main. If the compiler sees you using a function it never heard of, bad things might happen (in C++ it is an error. In C it works only if the function returns an integer). Notice how I have also included a comment block on the function that describes it. That comment block is an essential part of the function. It provides the part of the interface that the user needs to know but that the compiler doesn't care about. Including such comment blocks is part of the VTC style.

It turns out that I can optionally put the function after main as well. However, if I do that I need to place a "declaration" of the function before main. The declaration is just the function's header with a semicolon at the end.

int is_prime(int number);

This line informs the compiler that is_prime is a function and tells the compiler what it needs to know about the function. The actual definition of the function can be elsewhere.

When you write a function declaration it is acceptable to leave out the name of the paramter. This is often done.

int is_prime(int);

The full program thus becomes

#include <stdio.h>

int is_prime(int);

/*           Main Program           */

int main(void)
  int my_number;

  // Get a value from the user.
  printf("Enter a number: ");
  scanf("%d", &my_number);

  // Print out an appropriate message.
  if (is_prime(my_number)) {
    printf("The number, %d, is prime!\n", my_number);
  else {
    printf("The number, %d, is not prime!\n", my_number);

  return 0;

 * int is_prime(int)
 * This function tests its parameter to see if it is prime. It returns
 * "false" if it is not and "true" if it is. This function treats any
 * number less than 2 as not prime.
int is_prime(int number)
  int i;

  // Very small numbers are errors. Errors are not prime.
  if (number < 2) return 0;

  // Otherwise, just check all numbers less than Number for divisability.
  for (i = 2; i < number; i++) {
    if (number % i == 0) {
      return 0;

  // If we got here the number must be prime.
  return 1;

Notice how I've replaced the function definition with a declaration and moved the full definition below main. This is a common method for laying out programs. The important thing is that the compiler sees the declaration or definition of a function before you try to use it. This is exactly what you are doing when you #include <stdio.h>. You are showing the compiler declarations of various functions in the standard library before you try to use them.

Notice something else: I called the parameter of is_prime "number" and yet in main I'm giving it a variable named "my_number". Is that correct?

Pass by value!

This topic is so important that I need to start a new section to describe it. In C, function arguments are "passed by value". The "argu- ment" you give to a function when you use it is copied and the copy is used to initialize the parameter. In my example above, a copy of my_number is made and that copy initializes number. When is_prime is executing, any changes it makes to number will have no effect on the original value of my_number. This is sometimes a handy thing. At other times it is awkward. The important thing is for you to understand what is happening!

I say again: the arguments you give to a function when you call it are copied. Those copies are used to initialize the function's corresponding parameters. If the function modifies one of its parameters while it runs, those modifications do not affect the original arguments.

Don't forget this!

Some languages have a feature called "pass by reference". It works differently. C does not have pass by reference so you should not worry about it. When you study a language that does support pass by reference, you will need to pay close attention to how it works. For now, just remember that in C function arguments are always passed by value.

What about errors?

In is_prime I just return "false" if I'm given a value less than 2. In previous programs, I treated such values as errors and printed an appropriate message. The program above will just say that such a value is not prime.

What you should do in a function when you see an error situation is not always clear. In general, if you plan on ever using your function in a different program, you should not print out an error message in your function. A message that is appropriate for one program may not be appropriate for another. Instead such functions usually return a special value called an "error code" to indicate that something went wrong. It then becomes up to the caller of the function to check the value it returns to see if it is the error code. The caller can then deal with the error or perhaps return an error code of its own to its caller!

On the other hand if your function will never be used in another program it is often acceptable to have the function deal with the error on the spot. The problem is that functions you think are specific to your application have a way of becoming general purpose. Knowing exactly how to deal with errors in your functions is difficult and much has been written on the subject. This is a matter that you will encounter many times in the future as you expand your programming skills.


  1. A function is a reusable chunk of code. In general a function accepts inputs, called "parameters," does something interesting and worthwhile, and finally returns a result. The user of a function does not need to worry about how it works. The implementor of a function does not need to worry about how it will be used. Functions give you a way of sharing your work with others. They can be upgraded without forcing the rest of your program to change. They provide you with a way of breaking your program down into small, managable parts.

  2. A function declaration is just the header of the function followed by a semicolon. The header contains the return type, the name, and the declaration of the parameters. A function definition is the header followed by the function's body inside curly braces. The body is where you specify exactly what the function does. The compiler must see either the definition or a declaration for a function before you try to use it.

  3. In C you can pass any appropriately typed variable into a function (in other words, if the function takes an integer parameter, you can send it any integer variable you like). The variable you give to the function, called its "argument" is copied and the copy is used to initialize the corresponding "parameter" in the function's definition. This is called "pass by value" and it is the only way arguments are passed to functions in C.

© Copyright 2003 by Peter C. Chapin.
Last Revised: July 16, 2003